Topless Reuben!

Topless Merchandise

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Topless Merchandise

So you think you're a Reuben fan?
Think you're hardcore?
Well, you betta getta Topless Tee if you want to be in Da Club. That's right, Topless Reuben is now selling official "Topless Reuben Fan Club" Tees. Now you can bling in all your Topless glory. Just e-mail Rachel at to put in your order.


They're pretty much the greatest article of clothing to hit the world so I figured they'd cost a fortune right?  No way Reuben fans!  The latest in Reubeniliscious fan-wear is available for only 15 dollars!!!  I know... I'm also amazed... if I could be in my own fan club I would wear the shirt too!
Yours in Reuben,
I must add to Crotchless' comments, by saying, TOPLESS REUBEN T-SHIRTS RULE ALL!! Get yours today. They are so, as in so so sooooo cool! Get yours today!!! Reuben Love Blonde

If you already have a T-shirt don't worry, new styles of Topless Reuben shirts as well as magnets, coasters, coffee mugs, electronics, flu vaccinations, and crotchless panties will be available any day now!

Topless Reuben! the greatest band eva!