Topless Reuben!

News and Gossip

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What's new in the world of Topless Reuben?


January 9th, 2006
Did you think that Topless Reuben had gone away? Think again. Although the four girls have all gone in seperate directions, they are still a band and are still together. In fact they are working on a new album called "Reubens 4eva".
The first single will be called "Reubenlicious" and is due out within the next couple of months. The complete CD will be in store in July and we all know it will be the must have music for this summer!
Keep on Reubening!




January 9th, 2006
The imfamous ladies of Topless Reuben were spotted together over the christmas break.  They attended a photo shoot together, attended a posh bash at Crotchless' residence, partied up the New Year in true rock star style. 
A source close to the band said the girls all danced together and gave the other guests a sneak preview of their new single "Reubenlicious".
Although the details are not clear there is also a rumour that one of the members of the band is pregnant.  While a spokes person for the girls say that they are just that, rumours, we can't help but wonder, will there be a baby reuben to add to the family soon?
Keep your eyes (are ears) open, cuz I can safely say, this is not the last that we have heard from Topless Reuben.

If you have heard any sweet news, rumors or gossip about the girls in Topless Reuben, email us, we WILL post it on the site.

Topless Reuben! the greatest band eva!